Life about the little girl, who the bride to-be want make her wedding diaries comes true...

Nurulsigim & Kamaruzaman

my endless love..

You Drive Me Crazy

"Whether you've been in a relationship for ten years or ten weeks, you know how crazy love can make you. On any given day you're either insanely happy, manically miserable, kooky with contentment, or bonkers with boredom - and that's in a good relationship. Why do you think we call it being madly in love? You have to be a little nuts to commit yourself, body and soul, to one other person - one wonderful, goofy, fallible person - in the hope that happily-ever-after really does exist."Real love can be simple and sappy one day, chaotic and complex the next. 'You Drive Me Crazy' is a collection of beautiful, funny and feisty poems designed to guide you through all of love's ups and downs, from ecstasy to misery and back again.'You Drive Me Crazy' gathers together the combined wisdom and perspective of some of the world's most brilliant poets and organised them around the different stages of love:Ecstasy - when love rocksStability - when love rollsMonotony - when love lullsUncertainty - when love keeps you guessingMisery - when love stinksClarity - when love shinesFrom Shakespeare and Donne to Margaret Atwood and Pablo Neruda; from Sylvia Plath to Dorothy Parker, these wise and witty poems will strike a chord with all lovers. The perfect gift for Valentine's Day, the poems in this book will speak to everyone - whether they're male or female, gay or straight, young or old.
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